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Luz de amor

Luz de amor


Title:  “Luz de amor”

Size: 8.2” x 11.4”/ 21 x 29 cm

Technique: Linocut /Grabado 50 Edition

Price: 900 mxn pesos / 50 USD

Shipping within Mexico $150 mxn pesos

Shipping outside Mexico $513 mxn pesos (25 USD)

Delivery within a month


(EN) "Luz de Amor"  this linoprint was inspired by the influence of the Moon on Mother Earth. 

Full moon light is bright and inspiring. 

● Certificate of Authenticity included

(ES) "Luz de Amor" este linograbado se inspira en la influencia de la Luna sobre la Madre Tierra.

Full moon light is bright and inspiring.

● Se incluye Certificado de Autenticidad

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